Sunday, February 17, 2013

Hot Cross Buns

I saw Hot Cross Buns in the supermarket this week and since I feel it's never too early for a good HCB, I decided to try and make my own. The supermarket buns have 2 things in them that don't work for me - dairy and raisins, so I made my buns without either. You could put raisins or currents in if that's your thing, and I will be nice and make some here too for the raisin lovers. I spent the morning looking for a recipe but everything I came across had dairy added or was complicated to make. In the end, I took my usual bread recipe, added spices and baked them. I made these buns in the breadmaker, however I'm sure you could hand make them too if you are that clever! There are a few steps to this recipe, since the crosses need to be added but they are soooo good and tasted so much better than the shop bought ones! We may have eaten almost the whole batch for lunch.....

Hot Cross Buns

1 cup warm water
1 tablespoon oil (I use olive or rice bran)
1 teaspoon salt
3 cups flour
3 teaspoons sugar
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon nutmeg
1 teaspoon mixed spice
3 teaspoons yeast

2 tablespoons flour
2 tablespoons water

2 tablespoons sugar
2 tablespoons water

Place the ingredients, in order, in the breadmaker and set to the dough setting. About half way through add your fruit if you are using. Once finished, place dough on a floured bench and kneed for a few minutes. Cut into 8-12 even pieces and shape into balls. (Depends on the size you want.) Cut a cross into the top of each bun and then place on to a tray lined with baking paper and leave somewhere warm to rise for an hour. I pop them into my oven on low. When they are nearly risen, make a doughof 2 tablespoons of water and  2 tablespoons of flour. Roll into lengths, cut into pieces and place on the cuts you had made on the buns. Pop the newly crossed buns back into a hot oven (about 180)  for 10 to 15 mins or until golden on top. While they are cooking make a sugar syrup with the sugar and water and as soon as the buns are out of the oven, brush them with the syrup. Leave to cool as long as you can and enjoy!

Bread recipe courtesy of my lovely sister in law, Karen. Find her blog here

1 comment:

  1. Hello Hello. I too do exactly what you do. I just put spices etc into the bread recipe. I add preserved lemon rind for a tang too. I also make so much sugar topping that mine are sticky and drip. Good on you making crosses. I can never be bothered. i just cut a cross in the top just before baking (does make them look really weird though)
